Our Father...

It's high time to change the way Catholics view the world. We must take matters into our own hands and not wait until God takes care of everything for us.
And so...

Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy kingdom come - in peace and justice,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Our daily bread we shall give to the poor,
and we shall forgive those who have trespassed against us,
and we shall not lead into temptation,
but deliver from evil.

5 proofs of the existence of God and why we cannot see them

There are five arguments for the existence of God, yet none are convincing for an atheist. Why? The reason is very simple.

If there was such proof we wouldn't have a choice: believe or not to believe. Therefor we would not have free will which is the essence and one of the greatest values of humanity. In result people would be slaves as they would know that not everything is up to them. And God does not want that! He wants everyone to decide for themselves how they feel about Him. He leaves that, like everything else, up to us. So there is no unequivocal and tangible proof that God exists - as there cannot be. What is there then? There are arguments which are so convincing that proof is not needed. There are five such arguments. I will only mention two of greatest significance. The remaining three, cardinal in their rank, are easy to guess.

First of all, the Moon.
Not everyone realizes how unique it is. It is always facing the Earth from the same side (which is the result of its perfectly synchronized rotation around its own axis and its path around the Earth); the side that faces away from us is always invisible. What's more, for hundreds of years not even a small deviation from this principle could be observed. We can thus say that it is an incredibly reliable clock. Perhaps even more reliable than atomic clocks. The question that poses itself is: could such an create itself? The answer: of course! But it is damn unlikely.

How can we explain that million tons of space matter have such a gravitational pull (or other type of energy - science has coined the term dark energy, which sheds light on a few cosmological matters), that they finally formed a unique satellite that exists in such a unique place in our solar system? Wouldn't it be easier to assume that an intelligent being, capable of creating universes, formed this object? Yes God. And we should keep in mind that the Moon is responsible for a number of phenomena, such as: the tide, solar eclipses, 24-hour days and seasons of the year.
Is it not a wonderful coincidence of cosmological events?

But the moon is not everything, it is only the beginning.
The second argument will be much more convincing, although it is not irrefutable. There is something very perplexing about the so-called scientific explanation of life developing on Earth. Something that not many notice as I have not heard anyone mention it. This is the ideal timing that all plants and animals appeared on Earth. There is something called the food chain and it applies to most species of fauna. How to explain that all the elements of this chain, almost all plants and animals, came to be in ideally synchronized moments - so that "everything", life on Earth - could live and function? How could this have happened? A coincidence? It is possible, but very unlikely. A lot more unlikely than the formation of our beloved moon. The remaining three arguments are - for me - fully unexplainable and each is undisputable. But I will not publish them here. Let their discovery and analysis be a task and thought experiment for my more ambitious readers. The only real argument that atheists have is: if the universe was created by God, then who created God? I see two possibilities. Either He always existed, so nothing had to create Him, or He created Himself. If we can argue that something as complicated as a bat's echolocation system or the human brain could have developed from primordial oceanic soup, without anyone's help, then why can't we argue that a being such as God did not develop in a similar way? In my opinion the theory has as much support as the "scientific" theory of life evolving on Earth.

Am I right?

I have a dream

I have a dream that the richest people on earth will unite under one common cause.

I have a dream that the wealthy will finally realize that they will not take their millions, houses, planes and yachts to their graves, and that it makes no difference whether their children will inherit 10 or 100 million dollars. That it would be much better to use this money help but one person.

I have a dream that the richest inhabitants of this planet will form a Committee of Millionaires, whose task would be to end all wars and poverty. I know that their power would be great. Much greater than the UN's power! And who would be their leader? That is very simple. It would be enough to sum up funds on bank accounts.

Theoretical physics coming to the aid of faith - why we need Jesus Christ?

I once heard an interesting commentary to Dan Brown's famous novel: that finding Jesus's grave would be a deadly blow for Christianity. The foundations of Christian faith would thus crumble and nothing could stop the decline of the religion. Yes, this could be the case. However

Theoretical physics is a discipline which creates new ideas and laws. These are addressed with the appropriate mathematical apparatus and then verified in experiments. And if everything goes well the law is accepted as a fact. Let us employ this principle to Jesus Christ. Let's assume that he is a fully fictional character, invented by the masses in power in those times. That nothing in the New Testament had ever taken place. For how are we to verify it? Anyone could have invented a story and written it down in a book. A historian could have become intoxicated or suffered from schizophrenia or other ailment that changed the way he saw the world.

But no, this is a bad argument. If it were true, Jesus's grave would have never been discovered as Jesus would have never existed. And so let us assume that Jesus lived. That he was the son of a carpenter and was involved in a secret plot - employed by the man who ruled those lands, who wanted to pull the Jews by the nose - as a wandering actor. His task was to play a missionary. He played his role so convincingly that he allowed himself to be crucified and was about to theoretically rise from the dead on the third day - when it turned out that his wounds were deadly and our protagonist died. Since he died it became necessary to discretely steal his body - which later turned out to be a "bull's eye" - and now all that remained to be done was make a new grave, so no one would ever find him, and create a new religion by creating redemptive books.
Well... maybe that is how it was.
Who can tell?
But does it hold any significance for Christianity?

Catholics view Jesus as the Son of God but his role is not limited to only that. He was also, or maybe foremostly, a teacher. Let us not forget that. He showed us the path: showed us how to live, what matters and what is meaningless. This is Jesus's great accomplishment. More importantly, the Nazarene taught us: love thy neighbor as thyself. Is it not a wonderful concept? Yes, it is beautiful but damn hard. The world is not yet ready to live with the love that Jesus taught. And this also applies to Christians. Unfortunately.

We can see this clearly after every mass when people leave the church. They come across people begging; one person, two, three, sometimes more. And they usually pass them by without even a second glance. I once witnessed a scene where no one, I repeat: no one, gave a single dime to a woman with a small child in her arms. Shame! Shame! Especially since those participating in the mass were mainly young, in a good financial position, for whom giving a dollar or two did not pose any problem. I could tell by the clothes they were dressed in and the cars they drove home. Did they even understand the concept of Christianity? Why do they even go to church? Only to "mark off" another mass, or do they get anything out of it? I know of a certain small church where the faithful support the needy quite frequently (about one out of 5 or 6 people), and it's mainly the elderly (especially after the 8am mass), though every penny must be an important part of their retirement pension.

Is this all right?
It shouldn't be like this!

/Matthew 25/
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

And let everyone, after reading these words of the New Testament, ask themselves: what do I, through my actions or inactions (practically the same thing!), have to gain, and what do I have to lose? Only that. One does not have to be a sage to reach the one right conclusion.

RAQ - rarely asked questions

This is a question we will not provide an answer to. This does not mean that there is no answer.
Without free will we would only be marionettes in God's hands. And this would be devoid of sense. Both for Him and for us.
1. Because they seem to be an inseparable element of humanity.
2. Because that is what life on Earth is like. Without these things - we would be in heaven.
3. Because most are caused by humans and their actions - ill will, stupidity, fear, hatred, greed, incompetence...
4. Because if God took one away he would have to do so for all humankind, it would be unfair otherwise. And this would mean heaven on Earth. And it's too soon for that. And... God is still giving us a chance. He is still waiting for people to make a heaven on Earth for themselves. This is not impossible.
5. Because conquering these things is the perfect test of human character.
Whether or not He did a good job depends on our standpoint.
1. If it wasn't for old age, no one would want to pass on. Yet when our strength leaves us we begin to think see out end drawing near.
2. If it wasn't for old age the natural order of things would be disturbed. Everyone must agree that a 90-year-old's death is less painful than the death of a 40-year-old. "This is how things are" - as the saying goes.
3. If we believe in a life after death - and most of us do - than we move on to a better world after death.
4. If no one died the Earth would be overpopulated and our economy in a state of chaos.
5. Because old age is "harvest time". That is when we know how we raised our children and grandchildren the "quality" of our friendships.
Of course, although it would require a great effort from the bottom of our hearts. Let's imagine that money no longer exists. Or - which would amount to the same - that banks and ATMs stop working. What would the world be like? Only chaos, fighting on the streets, struggle to find food… wars. It does not have to be like that. Everyone should simply behave as if their lives were the same as before. Bakers would bake bread and stockbrokers sell stocks. Only everything would take place without money - only for a simple "thank you". Those words would be used to pay for everyday groceries, plane tickets, vacations or yachts. There would be one more condition. People would have to restrain from excessive and superfluous consumption of goods and services. They could do so only at the right time. If it took you half a year to save up for a new TV before, then in a world without money you would have to wait half a year for a new one. And go on vacation only once or twice a year as before (of course this is just an example). People would simply have to be smart and honest. And only that. Could such a world function? Yes, but people would have to be really smart. They would have to realize that only then they could be able to maintain the lives they have led thus far. Maybe they would become smart? Who knows? And if no one ruined this "stable system", it could theoretically last forever. The biblical "acquire without money and without payment" could become reality. If only people were smart... And honest!
The idea of vegetarianism. The 5th Commandment does say: "you shall not murder"; it does not say "you shall not murder people". So...
In a nutshell: simplicity, honesty, love and passion. If you come to terms with the fact that you cannot take your possessions beyond this world it is easier to pinpoint the important things in life. God, honor, your fatherland so to speak. But there is something even more important: your family and close friends. And there are no exceptions from this rule. If you are an atheist and alone and have given up on others and on God too bad. You always have your honor, which incorporates such concepts as justice, bravery, congeniality, truthfulness. Yet can they exist without companionship? Samurais could sacrifice their lives for honor at the blink of an eye.
What would you sacrifice?
I don't know if I can tell you what to do in order to live to be a 100, but...
If you want a long (and happy) life, let go of all of your negative emotions.
First of all stop being in such a hurry. Second of all... start giving more than you take.
Decrease your food intake by 1/3, chew gum as a substitute for sweets and exercise during the time you would normally watch your second-favorite TV show.
First of all:
Keep away from things, people and situations that affect you in a negative way (affect your health, stress you out, cause unfavorable behavior on your part, etc.)

Second of all:
Eat only when you are hungry and only enough to satisfy your hunger. Pay attention to what you eat. Vegetables and fish - in that order - should be the main elements of your diet.

Third of all:
Make sure to be physically active everyday (walks, bike rides, sport, sex Traf szóstkę w totolotka i odbierz wygraną. Nie przepuść jej na swawolach czy hulankach i nie daj by mafia ci ją odebrała.

Win the lottery and collect your winnings. Don't spend it all on parties or trivialities and don't let the mafia seize it.

Have 3 objectives that you will meet within a month, a year and 5 years. Take a step, even a small one, every day towards fulfilling these goals.
Wisdom can be gauged by the way we treat the elderly, the handicapped, animals, energy and trash. Think about your attitude towards these people and things. How do you treat them? Below are a few "hints":

1. Animals lack only one thing that people have: awareness.
2. Even the smallest particle of saved energy benefits the Earth's resources.
3. Is it possible to live in a big city without using trash cans?
If you are having problems in that department, change your hitherto routine or try changing something with your partner.
First: if you've already found it, stop your search, although there is no danger in searching. If she's/he's the One, you won't lose her/him. Real love never dies!
Second: be open to people, ideas, beliefs, events and situations.
Third: never assume that every relationship or sex leads to love.
Forth, and most important: if the One appears in your life, you will know. You won't need any confirmation, proof or tests. No one will have to tell you that "this is IT".
Support him in his good and valuable actions and... love.


We hereby, 6th Jan. 2023 announce that our Club has commenced its activities. The concept behind the club is to focalize and activate people with good and kind hearts for who philanthropy is not simply an empty word or a fleeting fad. Conditions for membership in this elite association are provided below. Most importantly, CLLUB66 can have up to 66 members. Hurry - spots are limited!
And... after reading our regulations you may ask yourself: "What will I get out of joining the Club?" Our answer is: we do not know yet, we are not fortune tellers

Club regulations.

1. CLLUB66 can count up to 66 members.

2. The procedure to join the club is as follows:
a) Anyone interested in joining must send an email to SinUs.Team[at]yahoo.com. The subject line should include an answer to the riddle provided below, and the answer (it will be a number) should be preceded by" a2014kacja#" (important: do not include quotation marks),
b) Every candidate (or applicant) will receive a number from 1 to 66, and will receive this number in a return email. The return email will also include a different email address for further application purposes,
c) Within 3 (three) business days (counting from the day after receiving information from club's e-mail) the candidate is obligated to pay the initial fee (in accordance with the table below along with the note under the table) to a charity organization of choice (registered in Poland) and send a scan of the bank transfer to the clubs' e-mail address,
d) The SinUs Team reserves the right to check if the above sum was indeed transferred to the organization by the candidate,
e) After fulfilling the above conditions the candidate will be informed that he is now a member of the Club, and will receive a membership certificate as PDF file.

3. Each Club member is obligated to pay the annual fee - a sum no less than half of the initial fee to a charity organization of the member's choice. The fee must be transferred by the 366th day of membership (as entered on the certificate) or its anniversary.

4. Every decision of the club's members must be unanimous.

5. Members automatically lose their membership for violating any of the regulations.

6. The regulations cannot be amended and have priority over any of the members' decisions or resolutions.

And the riddle:
How many numbers are in the the most beautiful mathematical formula?
For example, if the answer is 4, the subject of the accession email should be "Akcja#4"

The fee table is published below:

1. Values are expressed in PLN for Polish citizens, in EUR for residents of the original 12 EU Member States and USD for everyone else.
2. Values in tables for the 100 wealthiest people Poland and in the world according to Forbes (published on http://100najbogatszychpolakow.forbes.pl and http://www.forbes.com/billionaires/list/) should be raised to the 1,33 power.

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